The Denmarkian in Daneland

A record of my adventures in Scandinavia.

Sorry guys ...

It's been ages I know! But I have been so so crazy busy, which is a good thing!

I think it's gotten to the point where I can't really write about each day (but I promise I'll write more from now on!).

Today I have a 'study day' ... a day off school where everyone does anything BUT study! I can't get used to how relaxed and free school is here.

So exchange is going really well! My host family is awesome (Birgit and Niels told me first thing that I wouldn't have any problems with them at all because they're so wonderful, and I totally agree!). It doesn't feel like I have been here almost three weeks now. It feels like it's been longer. But then when you think about it, that's almost a month, which is a third of my exchange already over ... !

So that is kinda depressing.

I'm friends with basically everyone from my class (I was complimented by David and Louise on my social skills yesterday!), been to two Danish parties, which were very fun, and yesterday I sang in the Melodie Grand Prix, which is a competition between the school music classes. I was probably the most nervous one there I think! And everyone was so relieved when it was over ...

Aalborg is my favourite city. It's so small and pretty and hyggeligt. I love the concept of 'hyggelig' - there isn't really an English definition for it. I guess the closest one is 'cosy,' but it's not really the same. Being with family in a warm room, sitting on squashy armchairs and having candles everywhere is hyggeligt, but so is riding a bicycle down a muddy dirtpath, trying to combat the wind and rain ... sometimes. Personally I think 'hyggeligt' means you feel like you can do this forever and feel so good doing it.

It's an awesome feeling.

Denmark is crazy about Christmas. Right now Aalborg has Christmas lights everywhere - on the trees, over the streets with the winding lanes, candles in shops ... I love walking through the town.

Also, I have good news! Next week from Friday to Sunday my host family is taking me to Copenhagen, to see all the sights and do touristy things! I can't wait!

Yep ... life is good.


Side note: the site Exchange Student World has made this blog a 'VIP Blog'! So that's very exciting. :) If you're thinking of becoming an exchange student, or you're an outbound about to set off on exchange, you should really check it out!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

hahaha hi stella :3

i realised that i haven't read this at all, so i am reading it now~ sort of. it sounds so nice there! i can't wait to get out of australia, hmmmmph.

and your blog commenting is hard to reaaaad D: but i kind of get it. i think. *watches glee*


27. november 2009 kl. 23.53  
Sophie sagde ...

Great to hear that you're having fun! (: And yeah, we ARE pretty crazed about Christmas here in Denmark~ we start it in November! d:
By the way, I'm Sophie and a pure Dane xD .. I'm going to USA next year, and I found your blog through Exchange Student World ^^

29. november 2009 kl. 03.55  

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