The Denmarkian in Daneland

A record of my adventures in Scandinavia.

Itinerary and other bits and pieces.

First of all: 10 DAYS.

AND I finished all my yearlies today!

Oh life is wonderful.

So, like the title says, I got my itinerary today and I'm super excited - because this means it's REAL! It's HAPPENING! Everything is coming into place!

As it turns out, I'm taking three planes, as opposed to what I thought earlier, which was four. Thank goodness. I'm not quite so worried about plane travel anymore, except maybe about being in a tight spot if I happen to forget to bring a really important document or something. Eep.

So it's basically Sydney -> London, London -> Copenhagen, Copenhagen -> Aalborg.
Over a period of about 34 hours. My my, that will be fun.

I need to buy some luggage tags as well ...


Letter from my host family!

As you can probably tell from the title, today I got a letter from my host family. :)

They wrote their own little sections under their name. It was just so sweet - there was even a section from Bosse (the family dog)!

Also, thank goodness, I found that my phone isn't locked. So that means I can just rock up to some mobile phone store in Denmark and buy a SIM card there, no problem. :)

And guess what! Exchange is in less than a month!


First point of contact.

I just called my host family. The phone reception was terrible, but I am really, really glad I will be living with the Munk family. My impression is that they are truly wonderful people!

This was how the conversation went:

Stella: Hej! Jeg hedder Stella, fra Australien!

Host far (father): ... ?

Stella (worried that she may have gotten the wrong phone number): Errr ... jeg hedder Stella. Jeg er en udvekslingsstudent fra Australien!

Host far: ... huh? Hvad?

- Silence -

Host far: OH! Stella! Wait for a minute ...

- Silence-

Host mor (mother): Hello?

Stella: Jeg hedder Stella, fra Australien.

Host mor: Oh hello Stella! We are very excited to meet you!

- Begin rather confusing conversation in which Stella asks about the name of their dog (of all things!) and many random outbursts of, "Sorry?", "Undskyld, the connection is terrible!" and "I'm so sorry! What did you say?" are prevalent -

Host mor: Would you like to talk to Julie?

Stella: Sure!

- Silence -

Julie: Hej?

Stella: Hej! Jeg hedder Stella.

Julie: Hello!

- Begin another rather confusing conversation in which many random outbursts of, "Sorry?", "Undskyld, the connection is terrible!" and "I'm so sorry! What did you say?" are prevalent -

Haha. Yes, it was a very, VERY confusing conversation.

And it probably doesn't look like it, but I feel like I got to know them quite well in that short amount of time. Not like their life stories or anything, but their general manner and such. It's going to be a good exchange. :)

Also, I talked for half a hour (the conversation with Julie finally ended when my host mor anxiously commented on how expensive it was to call long distance from Australia to Denmark), and I found out that I still had over 2 hours worth left of international calls!

Wow - I love this phone card!
